A horrific incident unfolded in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, where an 8-year-old student was brutally assaulted by his teacher after the child and his classmates caught the instructor watching obscene content on his mobile phone in the classroom.
The police said the teacher, Kuldeep Yadav, lost his cool when the students started giggling and talking about his inappropriate behaviour. In a fit of rage, Yadav grabbed the boy by his hair and slammed his head against the wall.
“The teacher abused and brutally thrashed my son after students reacted to him watching porn on his mobile phone in the classroom,” the victim’s father stated in his police complaint. “He not only slammed my son’s head against the wall but also beat him with a cane, causing injuries including to his ear.”
Superintendent of Police (Rural) Gopinath Soni confirmed that the accused teacher has been taken into custody for questioning. “A case has been filed and we are conducting a detailed investigation into the matter,” Soni said.
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