Alyssa Ogletree, a resident of Texas, has achieved a remarkable milestone by donating an extraordinary 2,645.58 liters of breast milk to those in need, shattering her previous world record. Recognized by Guinness World Records, the 36-year-old previously held the record in 2014 with a donation of 1,569.79 liters. Ogletree’s contributions, according to the Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas, are estimated to have sustained over 350,000 premature babies, as one liter of breast milk can nourish 11 babies.


Reflecting on her decision to donate, Ogletree explained, “I have a big heart, but I can’t always donate financially. Giving milk was my way to give back and make an impact.” Since 2010, when she gave birth to her first son, Kyle, she discovered her exceptional milk supply and began donating after a nurse suggested the idea. This ignited her commitment to helping struggling mothers feed their babies through breast milk donation.

Years of Dedication and Commitment

Ogletree continued her donations after each of her children’s births: Kyle (now 14), Kage (12), and Kory (7). She even maintained her pumping schedule following her time as a surrogate mother. Pumping every three hours, even during the night, she would freeze the milk until her storage was full and then transport it to the milk bank, where it was carefully measured and recorded.

Without any specific condition to explain her high milk production, Ogletree attributes her supply to consistent hydration, a steady diet, and a diligent pumping schedule. Now, she hopes to inspire other mothers to consider donating, saying, “Many women may not realize they have the ability to help others this way.”