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‘Ugly People’ And ‘Breakfast In Tubes’ Strangest 1925 Prediction About 2025

In 1925, thinkers made bizarre predictions for 2025, including immortality, global superpowers, artificial food, and even a world of “ugly people.” These strange forecasts offer an odd glimpse into the future.

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‘Ugly People’ And ‘Breakfast In Tubes’ Strangest 1925 Prediction About 2025

In 1925, a group of visionary thinkers looked toward the future and imagined what life would be like in 2025. Their predictions ranged from technological advances to societal changes, some of which have come surprisingly close to reality. While some of their predictions seem outlandish, many have proven strangely accurate.

Predictions on Appearance and Immortality: A Curious Take

American psychologist Albert E. Wiggam, known for his theories on society and psychology, made an audacious prediction that humanity’s physical appearance would deteriorate. He suggested that because “homely, dull people” were having more children than the beautiful and intelligent, the world would soon be populated by “ugly” individuals. Wiggam foresaw a future where the ideal of “American beauty” would vanish, leaving no attractive faces by the year 2025.

In a similarly bold claim, British doctor Sir Ronald Ross, who had won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1902, predicted that by 2025, humans would live to the age of 150. He even ventured into the realm of immortality, stating that advancements in scientific research could potentially free humanity from diseases, offering hope for eternal life.

Global Superpowers: A Shift in Political Power

Writer and visionary H.G. Wells, whose works like The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds captured the imagination of readers worldwide, forecasted a shift in global power structures. He speculated that by 2025, global governance would no longer be defined by many countries, but instead would consist of three major confederations: the United States of America, the United States of Europe, and China. This prediction on the geopolitical future is still a matter of debate, though the world’s major powers continue to influence global affairs.

One Language, One Currency: A Unified World

Many thinkers in the early 20th century believed that globalisation would lead to a unified world, governed by a single government and communicating through one common language. They envisioned free travel and commerce between countries, and an end to death from disease, although these hopes remain partially unfulfilled today. The idea of one universal currency, however, continues to be a topic of conversation, especially in light of the global push for digital currencies.

Predictions on Technology: A Glimpse into the Future

Several visionaries also made bold predictions about future technologies. British scientist Archibald M. Low, in his 1925 book The Future, foresaw groundbreaking inventions such as television machines, automatic sleep beds, wireless banking, moving sidewalks, and even one-piece suits made from artificial felt. His predictions of a technologically advanced world were remarkably close to some of the devices and conveniences we use today, though some, like moving sidewalks and automatic sleep beds, have not yet become mainstream.

Artificial Food and Communication: Ahead of Their Time

Many thinkers were concerned about the potential for food shortages. Professor Lowell J. Reed, for instance, calculated that the United States would face a food crisis in 100 years. His solution? A supply of artificial food made from organic substances and food from tropical regions.

Meanwhile, Dr. A.R. Wentz imagined a device that could substitute sleep, possibly made from acid sodium phosphate. His other outlandish but strangely accurate prediction was a pocket-sized apparatus that could allow people to communicate and even see and hear one another without being in the same room. This prescient idea resembles the video calling and smartphones we rely on today.

Ending Poverty: A Vision for the Future

Sophie Irene Loeb, the president of the Child Welfare Committee of America, envisioned a world free of poverty by 2025. Loeb believed that no child should be in need or forced to live in poverty, and that children should have a chance at success, not charity. While poverty remains an ongoing challenge, the call for equal opportunity and better welfare for children continues to shape public discourse.

A Blend of the Absurd and the Accurate

While not all predictions have come to pass, many of these 1925 thinkers had an extraordinary grasp of the future. Their hopes, visions, and sometimes bizarre ideas continue to provoke thought, and their legacy remains a testament to human creativity and imagination. As we move closer to 2025, it’s intriguing to reflect on their far-reaching foresight and how much of their futuristic visions have become part of our daily lives.
