A routine duty for a ticket collector took an unexpected turn after allegations led to his suspension and impending transfer within the West Central Railway division. Nagendra Kumar, stationed as a Ticket Collector (TC) in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, faced accusations of soliciting a bribe of Rs 200 from a passenger traveling with a general ticket but seated in the sleeper class.
The incident occurred on board train number 12168, Banaras-Mumbai LTT Superfast Express, where Kumar approached a passenger in the sleeper coach who was found with only a general ticket. Hailing from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, the passenger was traveling to Satna, Madhya Pradesh. Initially demanding Rs 500 for an upgraded ticket, Kumar eventually accepted Rs 200 to allow the passenger to continue the journey.
The situation escalated dramatically when another passenger recorded the transaction and promptly shared it on social media and the railway app. Following a review of the video footage, railway authorities took swift disciplinary action against Kumar, suspending him pending further investigation. A penalty charge sheet was also issued against him.
Dr. Madhur Verma, Senior Divisional Commercial Manager (DCM), emphasized a policy of zero tolerance towards such misconduct, assuring that immediate action was taken upon discovery of TC Nagendra Kumar’s actions. He reaffirmed the railway’s commitment to transparency and integrity in all operations.
The West Central Railway administration has assured passengers and stakeholders that they are committed to upholding high standards of ethics and accountability.
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