Recently, a young man from Kerala named Mukesh Mohan published a video blending Gangamma Thalli looks with Allu Arjun’s character in ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’. Filmed outside a cinema in Thrissur, it has gained massive popularity across social media with over five million views.
The clip has the man-who goes by the name of local artist Dasan-painted blue with a red face to match the deity Gangamma Thalli. One of the distinguishing features of the performance was the artwork on his belly, in the manner of Allu Arjun’s memorable look for much-anticipated ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’. The crowd was highly enthralled by his energetic moves in drum beats like that of Allu Arjun’s style.
Spectators quickly gathered, mesmerized by the vibrant act, snapping selfies and soaking in the festive atmosphere outside the theatre. The performance added an unexpected dose of excitement to the movie’s promotional buzz.
In the comments, Mukesh revealed that Dasan has been wearing tiger costumes since the age of 12 and has been a part of several promotional events, whether film-related or not. His dedication to performance art was well seen in this fusion act, which further amplified the excitement around the release of ‘Pushpa 2’.
The buzz around ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’, which hit screens on December 5, has been phenomenal. Among the movie’s highlights is the stunning Gangamma Jathara sequence where Allu Arjun’s character, Pushpa Raj, donned a saree as part of a ritual. The whole androgynous avataar showcased a fierce yet gentle side of the character and made the audience go completely aww.
Dasan’s tribute to the god as well as Allu Arjun gave a new dimension to the already overwhelming film captivating the audience both online and offline.
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