A woman in the UK, Candice Collins, recently bought a doll said to be the “most haunted in the UK” and claims to have instantly regretted it. The doll, named “Norman,” is known for its eerie baby-faced appearance and troubling history. Priced at $260, Collins, a paranormal investigator and haunted doll collector, was aware of the tales surrounding the doll but was drawn to it regardless. Now, she says the creepy doll has brought nothing but misfortune to her and her family.

The Curse of “Norman”

Collins is not the first owner to report trouble with Norman. The previous owner, Christian Hawksworth, reportedly faced a series of misfortunes after purchasing it for just $4 from an antique store. Hawksworth claimed he suffered an exploding appendix, a gunshot wound, car problems, and a drastic salary cut soon after acquiring the doll, eventually leading him to sell it on eBay. Despite these warnings, Collins was intrigued enough to make the purchase in June 2023, but she soon began experiencing unusual occurrences.

Paranormal Experiences Begin

According to Collins, things started going wrong immediately. “As soon as I opened the box, the room went freezing cold, and a heavy feeling of depression filled the air,” she said, explaining how she knew then that something might be attached to the doll. Concerned, Collins placed the doll in a glass box and surrounded it with holy water to protect her family.

Since receiving Norman, Collins claims she has faced disturbing dreams where she wakes up in terror, feeling as though an unseen force is attacking her. She has also reported physical sensations of being bitten and hearing an “evil voice” calling her name while she sleeps.

Chilling Interactions with Her Son

Adding to the horror, Collins revealed that her 3-year-old son appears to be interacting with the doll. “I hear my little boy talking and laughing with someone, which is extremely unsettling,” she shared.

A String of Health Problems

Like Norman’s previous owner, Collins says her health has declined significantly. She describes arthritis, headaches, mysterious bruises, and even deep scratches on her back. Her partner’s health has also worsened, needing a hip replacement amid the string of recent misfortunes. “It just feels like never-ending bad luck,” she admitted.

No Plans to Let Go of Norman

Despite these disturbing experiences, Collins intends to keep Norman. “I truly believe he may be the most possessed doll in the UK—maybe even the world,” she stated. Determined to protect her family, Collins uses sage, crystals, and holy water, taking every measure to mitigate the doll’s influence. She hopes to eventually prove the existence of life after death, believing not all haunted objects are malevolent but may need “help.”

“I don’t know what might happen next, but I’m deter