Japan is known for its unique themed bars and restaurants, including those with laboratory or ninja themes. One particularly unusual establishment in Tokyo is the “Muscle Girls Bar,” which employs strong, muscular women who perform striking and lifting services for customers, according to the South China Morning Post.

Among the staff is Maru, a 50kg waitress who can lift and carry a 130kg man in a “princess style.” The team comprises Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners, fitness influencers, professional wrestlers, and actresses. Individual services at the bar can cost up to 30,000 yen (approximately Rs 17,000).

The bar was launched by Hari, a former fitness influencer, in 2020 after her gym closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hari noted, “After slapping an Australian customer, word spread, and his friends came specifically for the slapping service,” as reported by South China Morning Post.

A world map displayed in the bar shows patrons from various countries, including Denmark, Mexico, and Germany. The bar’s popular cocktails are made by crushing grapefruits with bare hands.

The bar’s theme has garnered mixed reactions on social media. Samantha Low, a customer, praised the staff for breaking stereotypes about Japanese women, saying, “I feel very free and liberated in this bar.” In contrast, another person commented on YouTube, “I can’t understand why anyone would go to a bar to experience physical pain. This is crazy.”

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