The makers of the upcoming film Satya Prem ki Katha starring Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan have unveiled the teaser of the film on Thursday. Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, the film is all set to release on 29th June 2023. Here’s how netizens have reacted, a user says, “What a beautiful & refreshing teaser with Desi vibe … Both #KartikAryan and #KiaraAdvani looks adorable .. Lovely.” Second user comments, “A romantic drama with potentially great music I hope it delivers a tale with emotional depth!.” Another user says, “#SatyaPremKiKatha Teaser is BEAUTIFUL that demands repeat viewing. Now this is what we needed from #KartikAaryan – True Blue Romantic Hero of this generation. #KiaraAdvani looks gorgeous..#SajidNadiadwala & @NGEMovies back in GAME with a BANG”
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