A shocking incident has come to light at a government school in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. A teacher was caught on camera taking a nap while students fanned her with a handheld fan. The video, which has since gone viral on social media, has sparked outrage and raised serious questions about the quality of education being imparted in government schools.
“If teachers themselves behave in such a manner, how can one expect quality education? A female teacher was caught on camera, making innocent children fan her to escape the scorching heat,” reads the caption to the video shared on X (formerly Twitter).
The incident took place at a government school in Gokulpura village, Dhanipur block. The video shows the teacher comfortably resting on a mat inside the classroom while young students take turns fanning her to provide relief from the scorching heat.
The video, shared on July 27, has since received more than 11,000 views and close to 200 likes. Many people flocked to the comments section to share their thoughts.
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This incident highlights the pressing need for reforms in the education system and stricter monitoring of teachers’ conduct in classrooms.
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