Dolly Chaiwala, a viral internet sensation famed for his “tapri-style” tea, is once again making headlines for his witty response during an interview with a senior journalist from News24. A video of the exchange has gone viral, sparking laughter and discussion among netizens about Dolly’s quirky personality.
During the interview, Dolly Chaiwala was asked a series of standard questions, but his sharp and sassy replies quickly turned the seemingly routine conversation into an online spectacle. Towards the end of the interview, the journalist brought up Dolly’s now-famous encounter with billionaire Bill Gates, asking how serving tea to Gates had catapulted him to fame. Without missing a beat, Dolly responded, “You should talk to my assistant for more details.” His deadpan remark left viewers in splits and further cemented his reputation for cheeky humor.
Social Media Reactions
Reactions from netizens have been mixed. Many found Dolly’s boldness refreshing and amusing. One user on X quipped, “Dolly Chaiwala is serving tea and tea-tips with a side of sass!”
Another added, “He’s done taking crap from mid-tier journos based out of Lutyens Delhi.”
A simple comment read, “Swaggggg!” while another applauded him, saying, “Serves that journo right. So much arrogance in the voice.”
However, not all responses were positive. Some criticized the media’s focus on internet celebrities. One user wrote, “We are such a bunch of clowns to elevate these idiots to the top of the world.” Another chimed in, “The media keeps such people on their toes. No one gives a chance to talented artists like us.”
Dolly’s latest viral moment has reignited debates over the influence of social media fame and the role of traditional journalism in spotlighting unconventional personalities.