The Ambani family organised a grand event for their close-knit group of friends and cherished family members on Ganesh Chaturthi every year. The celebrations of this year were no different, and it was breathtaking to see Nita Ambani, Shloka Mehta, and Radhika Merchant gracing the event in such style. Their grand style is also trending on Social media.
Ganpati Chaturthi is one of the most popular festival in India. The celebration of Ganpathi is a well-known and beloved custom that touches the hearts of both the native population and the Indian diaspora all over the world. This joyful holiday is distinguished by its lavish ceremonies, colorful processions, and the placement of glittering Ganesha idols, which adorn both private residences and public areas. The Ambani family joyfully celebrated this event, carrying out all customs and ceremonies. To participate in this one of the most well-known celebration, they invited their loved ones.
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