A new poster with the cast of The Archies was dropped on social media on Monday. The still features Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda among others who’ll be seen in Zoya Akhtar’s official Indian adaptation of Archie Comics. Netflix India and the official handle of Archies Netflix shared the poster a day after they shared a flyer attached to a plane that read, “Follow @archiesoninstagram” and a poster that read, “Welcome to Riverdale.” The Archies will mark the debut of Suhana Khan, the daughter of Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan. Here’s how netizens have poured in their reactions, first user says, “@netflixIndia’s #TheArchies new poster is very interesting #TheArchiesOnNetflix Set in the 1960s, this musical drama looks very promising.” Second user says, “Excited to see what all the star kids have to offer.”
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