As the global stock market dived, Indian business tycoon Anand Mahindra used the opportunity to share a touch of wisdom and wit on social media. On Monday, the Sensex and Nifty both experienced significant drops, with the Sensex tumbling over 3% from 78,588.19 to 78,295.86 and the Nifty 50 falling from 24,302.85 to 23,893.70.
The Stock market crash was largely attributed to growing concerns about a potential recession in the United States. According to experts, other contributing factors include rising tensions in the Middle East, stretched valuations, technical issues, and disappointing first-quarter results.
In response to the market turmoil, Mahindra took to X (formerly Twitter) with a lighthearted yet insightful comment: “Never a better time to deploy the ancient Indian practice of Pranayama. It’s about breathing deeply and looking inwards. What I see is an India that is an oasis in the world. Whose Rise will not be impeded in the medium to long term. Play the long game.”
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Mahindra’s post resonated with many, amid a flurry of social media reactions that included both serious analysis and humorous memes. One user shared a meme depicting the anxiety of investors constantly checking their portfolios for changes, highlighting the emotional impact of the market fluctuations.
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As the stock market grapples with these challenges, Mahindra’s advice to remain calm and focus on the long-term prospects of India offers a hopeful perspective in turbulent times.
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