Former Indian opening batter Shikhar Dhawan, who announced his retirement earlier this year, was recently seen with a mystery woman, sparking speculation about his dating life. A viral video circulating online shows Dhawan arriving at the Mumbai airport, dressed in a blue T-shirt, black cargo pants, and a blue jacket. He was also seen engaging with the paparazzi while the woman appeared to shy away from the cameras, making efforts to stay out of the same frame as Dhawan. The two were later seen entering the airport with two other individuals.
Fans have taken notice of the video, expressing curiosity about the woman’s identity. Comments included, “Who is she?” and praise for Dhawan, with one user writing, “Zero haters Shikhar Dhawan, we will miss him in this IPL.” Others chimed in with heart emojis, stating, “They look good together.”
Dhawan’s recent personal history includes his divorce from Aesha Mukerji, finalized in October 2023. The court granted the divorce on grounds of mental cruelty, with Judge Harish Kumar noting that Mukerji forced Dhawan to live apart from their son, Zorawar, for years.
As for his cricketing career, Dhawan retired in August 2024, having amassed 10,867 runs in 269 international matches, including 24 centuries and 44 fifties. He was notably India’s highest run-scorer in the 2015 World Cup, accumulating 412 runs in eight matches at an average of 51.50. In August 2023, he expressed surprise at not being selected for the Asian Games squad and played five matches for the Punjab Kings in IPL 2024 before an injury led to his replacement as captain by Sam Curran. In those five matches, Dhawan scored 152 runs at an average of 30.40.
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