A heartbreaking incident has just occurred on the Delhi-Saharanpur highway in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, with a speeding car hitting a horse cart, killing the poor beast and seriously injuring five people. The CCTV cameras caught in their lenses the gory pictures of the impact that throw the horse into the air approximately 10 feet into the collision and throws the hapless humans 20 feet away from it.
The accident happened when a horse cart, which had been parked along the road, tried to get on the highway. A speeding car identified as Baleno of Uttar Pradesh state ran over the horse cart at very high speed. The force was that sharp that the horse, when it hit the ground, had split from the cart in dramatic fashion and died there. The car was also severely damaged in the collision.
Five people have suffered serious injuries and have been sent to hospital. The police in the locality have found the car and are conducting inquiries about the events of the incident. According to Senior police officer Harish Singh, an in-depth inquiry is underway intothe reason for this tragedy.
It’s an accident that once again reminded the nation of the hazards of careless driving on highways that speed like lightning.
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