A controversy has erupted in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, after members of a Hindu group confronted a shopkeeper, reportedly from a minority community, over his biryani stall’s name and religious signage. The incident, captured on video, has gone viral and is stirring debate on social media.
Confrontation at Biryani Stall
The incident took place at a roadside stall named “Chaman Fast Food Corner,” located in Civil Lines, Bareilly. The stall featured stickers with “Shubh Labh” and “Shubh Deepawali” on its signboard, along with the“Pure Veg Biryani.” Members of a local Hindu organization alleged that the shopkeeper used Hindu symbols and terms to misrepresent his identity and appeal to a Hindu clientele, creating a commotion at the scene. Video footage shows the group questioning the shopkeeper, demanding to know why he used Hindu symbols and phrases like “Shubh Labh” on his signage.
One group member voiced his disapproval, saying, “Why did you use Hindu names? When you saw my tilak, why didn’t you clarify? You’ve tricked me by using ‘Shubh Labh’ and ‘Om’ on your stall.” They also expressed concerns that using religious symbols without transparency could harm religious sentiments and potentially fuel communal tension.
Police Inquiry Launched
A police officer was present during the altercation but did not intervene, remaining a passive observer as the group continued their complaints. Following the incident, Bareilly’s police department has reportedly filed a case against the shopkeeper and initiated an inquiry into the situation. Officials confirmed that the Inspector in Charge of Kotwali, Bareilly, has been tasked with further investigating the matter and taking necessary action.
The situation has sparked widespread discussion about religious representation and business practices, with netizens divided over the incident. Some are concerned about the potential for communal unrest, while others emphasize the need for sensitivity and clear communication in mixed communities.