In yet another alarming taxi scam in Bengaluru, a woman was duped into paying Rs 3,000 for what was supposed to be a Rs 450 ride. Adding to her distress, she was forced to cover toll and fuel costs but still did not reach her intended destination. After finally arriving safely at her PG accommodation, she shared her ordeal online.

A Misleading Offer at the Airport

The woman arrived at Bengaluru airport around 10:30 pm and initially considered taking a bus to her PG. However, while walking to the bus stand, she was approached by a seemingly friendly man who offered to drop her off for just Rs 450. He convinced her by claiming he was in a hurry to drop his friend and head home to KR Puram, which was near her PG. He even showed her his ride history on an app to build trust.

Despite her initial skepticism, she agreed to the ride after persistent requests from the man. Her doubts arose as the bus fare was approximately Rs 350, making the cab fare seem suspiciously low.

Unexpected Expenses and Fearful Moments

After agreeing to the ride, another man arrived with a car, and the first man sat in the front seat. Shortly into the journey, they demanded an additional Rs 200 for toll fees and took an unfamiliar, deserted route that made her uneasy. The men tried to maintain a friendly demeanour, engaging in conversation and playing loud music. They later stopped for cigarettes and tea, making the situation even more uncomfortable for her.

The situation escalated when they forced her to pay Rs 300 for fuel at a petrol pump. She complied, fearing for her safety, and hoped they would take her to her destination without further trouble.

A Terrifying Turn of Events

As the journey continued, the men began smoking inside the car and allegedly consumed drugs. They later stopped at a deserted location where another individual was waiting. Claiming he would take over the ride, the driver presented a bill of Rs 3,000 and demanded an OTP for a supposed “cab app.” When she refused to comply, they started shouting, insisting that the Rs 450 was only the booking fee.

One of the men then grabbed her phone and deleted his contact details, which she had previously saved after sharing her location via WhatsApp. Eventually, another Uber cab arrived, but she was still 15 kilometers away from her PG.

The new driver appeared genuine and safely dropped her at her destination, though she had to pay the fare again as it was not prepaid.

A Narrow Escape and a Lesson Learned

Reflecting on the experience, the woman expressed relief at escaping unharmed but described the incident as terrifying. She emphasized the importance of remaining cautious while opting for transport options at night and advised others to rely on trusted platforms to avoid similar scams.