The Maharashtra Directorate of Art had approved only a 6-foot statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji for Malvan’s Rajkot Fort based on a clay model submitted by the sculptor, Director Rajiv Mishra stated on Thursday. The directorate was not informed that the statue would actually be 35 feet tall or that steel plates would be used in the construction.

The statue’s collapse on Monday has sparked significant political controversy. According to an official, Rs 2.44 crore was transferred by the state PWD to the Navy, which was overseeing the statue’s installation. The Navy appointed the sculptor and consultant, and after finalizing the design, it was sent for approval to the directorate. The official mentioned that the statue’s height would have been adjusted later.

On August 20, the PWD had informed the Navy about rusting nuts and bolts on the statue. The official noted that the directorate had no means to verify the structural stability or material used, as this responsibility fell to the Navy, which had hired the sculptor and consultant.

Mishra suggested that in the future, artists and sculptors should be required to obtain final approval from the directorate after the statue is erected, rather than just submitting a clay model. This should be a condition for approval, he added.