Actress Shilpa Shinde, currently a contestant on *Khatron Ke Khiladi*, has alleged that she was sexually assaulted by a Hindi filmmaker in the late 1990s. In an interview with News18, Shinde detailed the incident, stating, “It was during my struggling days, around 1998-99. I cannot take names, but they told me, ‘Aap yeh kapde pehno aur yeh scene karo’ (wear these clothes and do this scene). I didn’t wear those clothes. In the scene, he told me he was my boss, and I had to seduce him. I was very innocent then, so I did the scene. That person tried to force himself on me, and I got so scared. I pushed him away and ran out. The security staff realized what had happened and asked me to leave immediately. They thought I would make a scene and call for help.”

Shinde chose not to name the producer, explaining, “He was from the Hindi film industry. I agreed to do the scene because he was also an actor. I’m not lying, but I cannot take his name. His children are probably a little younger than me, and if I name him, they will suffer too.” She added that years later, when they met again, he did not recognize her and even offered her a film role, which she declined.

Currently, Shinde is competing on ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’ alongside other contestants like Shalin Bhanot, Abhishek Kumar, and Krishna Shroff. Recently, Asim Riaz was removed from the show for misbehaving with the host, Rohit Shetty, an action condemned by industry peers.