Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday called his fans for a fun session on twitter. He tweeted, “AskSrk let’s do. Only fun answers nothing serious to begin the year with….” Netizens went crazy and rained funny questions with #AskSrk. ‘King Khan’ who is also known for his wit, replied to most of the comments and left his fans praising him for his humour. A fan asked SRK for OTP, to which he replied, “Beta main itna famous hoon mujhe OTP nahi aate….vendors just send me the goods when I order…tum apna dekh lo”. On a fan asking him how much his montly salary is, he retorts with his classic charm, “Pyaar Beshumaar kamata hoon….har din” When a hater responded to him with, “Pathaan disaster already. Retirement lelo”, he wittily clapped back, “Beta badhon se aise baat nahi karte!!” Another fan asked about Salman Khan’s entry in Pathaan, to which SRK replied, “#Pathaan is an interactive movie whenever you want bhai to come in the film use the QR code on the ticket and he will come in the film.”
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.