In a tragic incident in Maharashtra, a young labourer lost his life after being attacked by a wild elephant while attempting to take a selfie. The victim, identified as Srikant Ramchandra Satre, was visiting the Abapur forest in Gadchiroli with two friends on Thursday morning to catch a glimpse of the majestic animal. Unfortunately, this outing turned deadly, as Srikant became the target of the aggressive elephant.
A group of Russian diplomats infiltrated a private section of UK Parliament during a tour,…
World Chess Champion Gukesh thanked the nation after being conferred with the Khel Ratna award,…
The AICF hosted a grand ceremony in New Delhi to honor chess icons D Gukesh,…
Bayrou's government narrowly avoids collapse after surviving a no-confidence vote. Political instability continues as he…
Thousands of Ukrainians are submitting claims through the new Register of Damages system, seeking compensation…
The political atmosphere in the India Alliance has been under the scanner since long now.…