Around 1,600 iPhones valued at Rs 12 crore were stolen from a truck en route from Hyderabad to North India. The theft occurred in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh, as reported by police on Sunday. The robbery, involving a security guard and his associates, occurred on August 15. Despite the immediate report of the theft, the police delayed registering the case for 15 days due to negligence. The case was only registered after intervention by a senior police official.
Pramod Verma, Inspector-General of Police for Sagar Zone, stated, “We received information that 1,600 iPhones worth Rs 12 crore were looted… The guard is said to be the accused… Teams have been formed and we are investigating the matter.”
According to the police, the security guard overpowered the driver and accomplices, tied him up, and stole the iPhones. The truck, carrying the phones in a container, was stopped near Lakhnadon for tea. The security guard introduced an accomplice as part of the security team. The next morning, the driver discovered his restraints and the container’s contents missing.
“At night, the driver parked the container on the roadside to catch some sleep. The next day, i.e. on 15th August, when the container driver woke up, he found his hands, legs and mouth were tied. Somehow the driver freed his hands and legs and when he looked back at the truck, its gate was open and the mobile phones were missing,” the police official said.
The driver reported the theft to the Bandari police station, but no action was taken initially. The case came to the attention of Inspector-General Pramod Verma, who ordered the registration of the case and instructed the SHO to address the negligence of the police officers involved.
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