Actors Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer action drama film ‘Chennai Express’ turned 10. To mark the occasion, director Rohit Shetty took to his Instagram account and shared a motion poster of the film and wrote, “Thank you for the love,” followed by a red heart and a joined hands emoticon.
Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the 2013 film, which was packed with action, romance, and comedy, became one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of all time. ‘Chennai Express’ was produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Sidharth Roy Kapur, Gauri Khan, and Karim Morani. It was based on a story by K Subash, with a screenplay written by Yunus Sajawal and dialogues by Farhad-Sajid. The film revolves around a Tamil girl Meenamma who falls in love with a North Indian guy Rahul (played by Shah Rukh Khan), who boards the Chennai Express train from Mumbai carrying the ashes of his late grandfather, supposed to be immersed in Rameshwaram, while he intends to go to Goa instead.
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