Former UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty were recently spotted at Third Wave Coffee in Bengaluru, enjoying a rare public outing. The couple, looking relaxed and at ease, were photographed as they ordered coffee and sat at their table. Sunak wore a crisp white shirt and black trousers, while Murty sported a pastel-colored kurta. Their visit comes amid their busy schedules, with Sunak having served as the UK’s Prime Minister from 2022 to 2024.

Social Media Reactions

The couple’s coffee date quickly gained attention on social media platforms like X and Threads. Some users jokingly referenced Sunak’s ties to Infosys, the company founded by his in-laws. One person humorously commented, “He must be working 70-hour weeks at the Electronic City Infosys office.”

A video posted on Threads showed the couple at Third Wave, with one user sharing, “Spotted Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty right across from my table at Third Wave. It really does pay off going to Third Wave, guys.”


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Locals who recognized the couple were thrilled and eagerly asked for selfies, which Sunak and Murty graciously took.

Family Rituals

Before this coffee outing, Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty visited the Sri Raghavendra Swami Mutt in Bengaluru, where they sought blessings from the swamis and participated in religious rituals with their family.

As the first British Prime Minister of Hindu origin, Sunak has strong ancestral roots in India. In addition to this recent visit, he and Murty attended the Akshardham Temple in Delhi last year before the G20 Summit, where they performed puja and abhishek and interacted with the swamis.