An Indian woman has reported experiencing racism while attending a music festival in Albania. Dr. Pranoti Kshirsagar, who was at a Jason Derulo concert in Tirana, shared her experience in a viral video on social media platform X. In the video, she describes an incident where, while waiting in line, a group of four girls cut ahead of her and, when she addressed it, told her repeatedly to “go back to my country.” She added, “They laughed about it, called me their mother, and made other remarks.”
Dr. Kshirsagar concluded the video with a sarcastic comment, saying, “I feel very welcome, Albania. Great job, thank you so much.” The video, originally posted on TikTok, has garnered over 2.5 million views on X, sparking mixed reactions in the comments section.
One user criticized her, stating, “The fact she feels entitled to complain about the country she’s in as a guest… these women are insufferable.” Another user remarked, “Albania is one of the most racist countries in the world.” A third commented, “That’s ironic because Albanians complain of discrimination and racism when they try to immigrate to the EU and UK.” Yet another response read, “Go back, please! Help out your own communities rather than coming here and destroying ours!”