At the 2015 Star Screen Awards, a rare and touching moment unfolded between legendary actors Rekha and Jaya Bachchan. The event celebrated Amitabh Bachchan’s win for Best Actor for his role in Piku. What made the night even more memorable was Rekha’s unexpected gesture towards Jaya Bachchan.

When Amitabh’s name was announced as the winner, both he and Jaya stood up. As Amitabh proceeded to the stage to accept his award, Rekha, who was seated at a distance, made a surprising move. She rushed over to Jaya and embraced her warmly. The two women then stood together, watching as Amitabh received his accolade.

This moment was particularly significant due to the complicated history among these three Bollywood icons. Rekha and Amitabh Bachchan have appeared together in classic films like Muqaddar Ka Sikandar, Mr. Natwarlal, and Ganga Ki Saugandh. Their most famous collaboration was in Yash Chopra’s Silsila (1981), which also featured Jaya Bachchan and sparked rumors about the real-life relationships between the actors.

Despite Silsila‘s lackluster box office performance, it became iconic due to the off-screen rumors involving its stars. The film was the last time Amitabh and Rekha worked together, solidifying their status as a celebrated on-screen pair.

In a 2004 interview with Simi Garewal, Rekha openly admitted to having been “in love with” Amitabh Bachchan, describing her emotions as “passionate, insane, and desperate.” However, she clarified, “There was never a personal connection with him. Never ever,” despite the persistent rumors.