The news that Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious movie, Ramayana, has been delayed has been making waves in the business for the past few months. On June 7, the rumour finally reached the news, causing a stir among the sector. The same day, Alia Bhatt and director Nitesh Tiwari were sighted together, which sparked speculation about their current projects. The newest word in the business is that Nitesh Tiwari, the director of Ramayan, which stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, is planning to start filming by December 2023. Here’s how netizens have poured in their reactions, first user says, “They have the perfect casting for Shri Ram and Sita in #Ramayana.” Second user says, “He has the calmness that needs to play Lord Shri Ram!!” Another user says, “#BEEF guy #RanbirKapoor is playing as #JaiShriRam in #Ramayana..#Sita is played by the biggest nepo kid #AliaBhatt this combo itself a disaster and get ready for another laser show and disaster show like #brahmastra.”
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