The Vishwa Hindu Parishad unveiled stunning photos of the recently constructed temple ahead of today’s Pran Pratishtha ceremony at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. The interior of the temple is depicted in the new photos as being flower-decorated. The illumination of the Ram Temple is exquisite. Sharad Sharma, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s media coordinator, released the images.

The ‘Pran Pratishtha’ of Shri Ram Lalla at Ayodhya’s temple will take place today
The idol of Ram Lalla has been placed inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple in Ayodhya. The idol of ‘Ram Lalla’ is carved by Mysuru-based sculptor Arun Yogiraj. The idol is 51 inches tall and weighs 1.5 tonnes. The idol portrays Lord Ram as a five-year-old child standing on a lotus also crafted from the same stone.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will perform rituals to mark the ‘Pran Pratishtha’; a team of priests led by Lakshmikant Dixit will lead the main rituals.

It is noteworthy that as of January 16, the Pran Pratishtha process had already begun. The idol arrived on January 17 after the “Prayaschit” and Karmakuti puja was completed on January 16. The idol of Ram Lalla was placed in the sanctum sectorum of the opulent new temple on January 18. The following dates were set: January 19 for Aushadhivas, Kesaradhivas, and Ghritadhivas; January 19 for Dhanyadhivas; January 20 for Sugardhivas, Fruitdhivas, and Pushpadhivas; and January 21 for Madhyadhivas and Shayadhivas.