Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw found himself at the center of online ridicule after a video surfaced showing him waving at train passengers who did not respond. The clip, which was filmed during a station inspection in Aluva, Kozhikode, quickly went viral, leading to a flurry of reactions from netizens. Many users mocked the minister, suggesting that his efforts to engage with the public were met with indifference. Comments ranged from sarcastic remarks about his role as a “Real Minister solving people’s problems through reel” to playful jabs dubbing him the “Reel Minister.”
The video sparked a conversation about the effectiveness of public engagement from politicians, particularly in an era dominated by social media. While some users defended Ashwini Vaishnaw, arguing that he should not be insulted for attempting to connect with the public, the overwhelming sentiment was one of criticism. This incident reflects the growing scrutiny public figures face on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where every action is subject to immediate commentary and interpretation.
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