A viral video shows Radhika Merchant, now known as Radhika Ambani, enjoying Turkish ice cream while on vacation in Dubai with her husband, Anant Ambani. The video captures the couple at a Turkish ice-cream stand, where Radhika, dressed casually in a white t-shirt and trousers, eagerly waits for the vendor to hand her the cone. However, as soon as she reaches for it, the vendor pulls the scoop away, leaving her with an empty cone. This playful exchange continues as Radhika laughs along, enjoying the vendor’s trick.
Anant, standing beside her, smiles at the lighthearted moment. At one point, Radhika looks to him for assistance, but he simply encourages her to keep trying. Eventually, the vendor hands her the ice cream, and she thanks him before walking away with Anant.
Months after her wedding to Anant Ambani, the daughter of Viren Merchant, Radhika Merchant officially adopted her married name, Radhika Ambani. In her first interview since joining the Ambani family, Radhika spoke with Entrepreneur India about her career aspirations.
Also Read: Radhika Merchant Becomes Radhika Ambani, Shares Career Insights In First Post-Wedding Interview
As the Executive Director of Domestic Marketing at Encore Healthcare, the company founded by her father, Radhika shared her goal of strengthening the company’s presence in India. She emphasized her commitment to expanding the business in southern India and stressed the importance of leveraging technology to make high-quality healthcare products widely accessible across the country.
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