In a startling incident of road rage in Maharashtra, an auto-rickshaw driver was filmed attacking a car and attempting to hit its driver near Pune’s Rakshak Chowk. The altercation occurred on September 27 around 5:30 pm outside the Aundh Military Station gate, as reported by Pune Pulse.
The car’s driver, identified as Rishabh Verma, was en route from Punawale to Kharadi when the confrontation unfolded. The dispute reportedly began when Verma tried to overtake the auto-rickshaw.
Tensions escalated as the auto driver began stomping on Verma’s vehicle and was seen damaging the side-view mirror. The footage shows the auto driver demanding Verma to roll down his window and threatening him for overtaking.
TDG has not independently verified the authenticity of the video.
(Disclaimer: The video contains sensitive language.)
In the clip, the auto driver continues to bang on Verma’s car and window, shouting profanities and insisting that Verma exit the vehicle. Following the incident, Verma lodged a complaint at the Sangvi Police Station, but no action has been taken against the auto driver thus far.
Reactions from netizens regarding the road rage incident have been mixed. While some commenters pointed out that the auto-rickshaw driver was clearly at fault, others called for authorities to review CCTV and dashcam footage before taking any action against either party. Many netizens also highlighted the need for prompt police intervention in road rage cases due to safety concerns.
Earlier this year, another severe road rage incident occurred in Pune, where a woman was assaulted and left bleeding. The 27-year-old, who was traveling on a scooter with her children on the Baner-Pashan Road, claimed that an elderly couple attempted to overtake her. She stated that they followed her for 2 kilometers until she stopped at the roadside, where they exited their vehicle and assaulted her.
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