A new father recently shared on Reddit his challenging experience of asking his mother not to kiss his three-month-old baby due to her having a cold sore, which led to unexpected family tension. The father, known as ‘Exciting-Stuff-7189’ on Reddit, explained that when his parents visited, his wife noticed the cold sore on his mother’s mouth and asked him to remind her mother-in-law not to kiss the baby, as cold sores can be harmful to infants.

When the father politely raised the concern with his mother, she became visibly upset, immediately handed the baby back, and even considered leaving the house with his father due to feeling offended. Although they stayed, the situation became awkward, with the parents accusing the father of being picky, inconsiderate, and rude.

AITAH for telling my mom not to kiss my newborn while she had cold sores ?
byu/Exciting-Stuff-7189 inAITAH

The Reddit post sparked a lot of discussion, with many users agreeing that the father’s concerns were valid and that the grandmother’s reaction was troubling. One user pointed out that no one aside from the parents should kiss a baby, especially when a cold sore is present, while another questioned why the grandmother needed to be told in the first place, emphasizing that anyone with a cold sore should know better than to kiss a baby.

The post highlights the difficulties of balancing family dynamics with the need to prioritize a baby’s health. Many commenters shared similar experiences, suggesting that these types of conflicts are common and can often be resolved with clear and empathetic communication.