A photograph of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from 33 years ago has resurfaced and gone viral during his 45-hour-long “dhyan” at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari. The throwback image shows a young PM Modi standing before a statue of Swami Vivekananda.

The image was shared by an X handle called Modi Archive, which describes itself as dedicated to chronicling “the life journey of PM Narendra Modi through archival pictures, videos, audio recordings, letters, newspaper clips and such other material.”

The caption accompanying the photo reads, “Thirty-three years ago, the massive nationwide Ekta Yatra commenced from the iconic Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari, stretching all the way to Kashmir. All the Ekta Yatris, including Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi and Narendra Modi circumambulated the statue of Swami Vivekananda to pay their respects. 11th December 1991, Tamil Nadu.”

According to NDTV, the picture was taken in 1991 during the Ekta Yatra, which started in Kanyakumari and concluded in Kashmir.

Since its sharing, the post has garnered over 74,000 likes and nearly 3,800 shares.

In the lead-up to the final phase of Lok Sabha elections on June 1, PM Modi has begun a 45-hour meditation at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, which will continue until the voting day. He arrived in Kanyakumari on May 30, where he first offered prayers at the Bhagavathy Amman Temple before proceeding to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial.