Inspired by the famous figure Manjulika from Bhool Bhulaiyaa, an artist in Dehradun stunned the audience with this electrifying performance. Opening up with an uncanny rendition of Ami Je Tomar, she wore the eerie look of the character-damaged makeup and uncleanly messy hair, in what was a scaring display. The entire house remained captivated in a heavy atmosphere and dramatic performance, leading into something that seemed like just a typical classical sequence.
But when she moved fluidly to Giddha, the electrifying Punjabi folk that has a reputation for becoming contagious, the mood seemed to shift completely. A company of dancers joined her as she performed to the beats from Rupinder Handa’s Pind De Gerhe, which was lively and flawlessly timely. The audience cheered and began to clap in time at the upbeat beat, even applauding.
It has been this imaginative mixture of Punjab customs and Bollywood drama. Such a performance video was even viral and close to reaching 3 million views. Fans hailed the performance, hailing it as “phenomenal” and “pure energy.” It was indeed something memorable because of this distinguishing balance of two opposing styles.
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