In a disturbing incident aboard an IndiGo flight 6E-2175 heading for Goa from Delhi, passenger Sahil Kataria brutally assaulted co-captain Anup Kumar following a further delay notice, as captured on viral video. Kataria, dressed in a yellow sweatshirt, rushed over a food trolley to assault Mr. Kumar, who had lately taken over for the previous crew as per customary procedures.
A passenger punched an Indigo capt in the aircraft as he was making delay announcement. The guy ran up from the last row and punched the new Capt who replaced the previous crew who crossed FDTL. Unbelievable ! @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI
Related News— Capt_Ck (@Capt_Ck) January 14, 2024
The video depicts the irate passenger charging at- the cocaptain while shouting, “Chalana hai chala, nahi chalana mat chala, khol gate (fly if you want to, otherwise open the gate).” He was eventually restrained by a fellow passenger before being handed over to the Delhi airport police upon landing.
During the deboarding process, Kataria, seen folding his hands, extended an apology: “Sir, I am sorry.” However, the pilot, not visible in the video, sternly rejected the apology, stating, “No, sorry, you raised hands on me.” A formal complaint was lodged by the pilot, leading to Kataria’s subsequent arrest and detention by the police.
The unsettling incident transpired on an Airbus A20N model, flight 6E-2175, which had been grounded at Delhi airport for over 10 hours due to poor weather conditions, contributing to a rise in flight delays and cancellations. The ongoing adverse weather, marked by heavy fog, has been a persistent challenge, causing disruptions and inconveniences for air travel in the national capital region.
This incident has raised concerns about passenger behavior and the increasing frustration faced by travelers due to uncontrollable factors like adverse weather. Authorities emphasize the need for understanding and cooperation in such situations, emphasizing that safety measures are implemented for the well-being of passengers.