A 20-year-old Pakistani national named Jagsi Koli recently illegally crossed the Indo-Pak border and entered India, where he was apprehended by the Border Security Force (BSF). According to Superintendent of Police Mr. Narendra Singh Meena, Koli is from Akli Kharodi in Tharparkar district, Pakistan. He crossed the border between the midnight of August 24 and the early morning of August 25. Koli was caught in Jhapda village, Barmer district, approximately 15 kilometers from the India-Pakistan border. He was discovered while inquiring about a bus to Tharparkar village, which led to suspicion among local villagers.

A senior BSF officer revealed that Koli had mentioned an affair with a 17-year-old Pakistani girl, and that his village is about 35 kilometers from the border, with the girl’s village situated 8 kilometers away. Koli reportedly intended to elope with his girlfriend, but after she refused, he threatened to hang himself with her scarf. The scarf broke during his attempt, causing him to fall. Her family subsequently beat him, but he managed to escape and cross the border. Due to the darkness at the time, Koli claimed he was disoriented and did not know which direction he was running.

BSF officials have confirmed that no suspicious items were found on him and noted that this was his first time entering India. He will be handed over to local police and interrogated by various security agencies.

This incident has raised significant security concerns, with experts questioning how an individual could breach the heavily fortified Indo-Pak border. There are speculations that this may be part of a probe by Pakistani agencies to test Indian border security and identify potential weaknesses.