In an unusual yet entertaining incident, a video creator recently went viral after sharing a clip of himself delivering an Uber Eats order to a classroom while a lecture was in progress. The Instagram reel has garnered over 5 million views, prompting a flurry of reactions from viewers.
In the video posted by user matis_livraizoneur, the delivery agent can be seen approaching the back door of a classroom. He scans the room for a customer named Anthony, who had ordered the food. The person filming confirms that he is the one who placed the order and provides the necessary verification code to the delivery agent.
As the delivery agent exits the classroom, he politely apologizes to the professor for the interruption. The professor responds by asking the class if anyone ordered a pizza, to which the delivery person informs him that the food has already been handed over. The professor continues with his lecture, seemingly unbothered by the disruption.
The video’s caption reads, “POV: you order Uber in the middle of a lecture,” encapsulating the humorous nature of the situation.
The clip has ignited a debate in the comments section, with viewers sharing varied opinions about the incident. Some users condemned the act as disrespectful, while others believed many university professors might not mind such interruptions. Comments ranged from playful jests about the student being a “backbencher” to more serious critiques about respect for educators.
While some viewers found the act amusing and harmless, others viewed it as an example of disrespect towards educators. What do you think about this viral video? Let us know in the comments below!
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