Akshay Kumar has shared a new poster for his upcoming film, Oh My God 2 along with the release date. The film will be out in theatres on August 11. The actor is seen in the getup of Lord Shiva, with ash smeared on his face. He is seen in a dhoti, with a bead necklace around his neck and sports dreadlocks reaching his knees. Sharing the poster, Akshay wrote, “Aa rahe hain hum, aaiyega aap bhi (We are coming, you also join us). 11th August. In theatres. OMG 2.” Here’s how netizens have reacted to this news, first user says, “What an AMAZING look of handsome @akshaykumar as #Shivji in #OMG2 . Fasten your seatbelts.” Second user says, “Omg was just teaser, asli maza toh #OMG2 me aayega. excited for this movie of #AkshayKumar.” Another user comments, “Don’t underestimate the power of #OMG2 …Omg2 is trending on BMS as soon as the release date is announced.”
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