The picture has recently emerged of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee taken back in 2001, showing a beaming Santa Claus handing gifts to him. The X-posting has caused much cheer for everyone and brings back to memory the charming and friendly persona of the charismatic statesman Vajpayee.
The picture was posted on the 100th birth anniversary of Vajpayee. Prime Minister Narendra Modi remembered the iconic leader as he described his deep impact on the nation: “Atal Bihari Vajpayee stands tall as a statesman and continues to inspire countless people,” he wrote.
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In his tribute, Modi said, “Our nation will always be grateful to Atal Ji for being the architect of India’s transition into the 21st century. When he took oath as PM in 1998, our nation had passed through a period of political instability. In about 9 years, we had seen 4 Lok Sabha elections.”. The people of India were getting impatient and also skeptical about governments being able to deliver. It was Atal Ji who turned this tide by providing stable and effective governance. He was a very simple product yet knew how to understand the pains of citizenry and the power that effective governance can transform.
Vajpayee, one of the towering personalities in Indian politics, oratory skills, and a poet’s touch, was born on December 25, 1924. He was Prime Minister of India three times and left behind a giant legacy through initiatives such as the 1998 nuclear tests and the Golden Quadrilateral project, which made the country’s road infrastructure all the better.
This day, December 25, is also celebrated as Good Governance Day in India on the birth anniversary of Vajpayee. It was the celebration initiated by the government of Prime Minister Modi in 2014 to bring awareness about the accountability of the government and effective delivery of public service. This year is special because it marks the 100th birth anniversary of Vajpayee, which speaks of his dedication to transparent, efficient, and people-centric governance.