A viral video featuring a young Pani Puri seller has taken social media by storm, showcasing his remarkable talent for mimicry. The seller, identified as Jitender Kumar, has gained attention for imitating the voice of Oggy, a beloved character from the animated series “Oggy and the Cockroaches.” This delightful performance has resonated with fans of the show, particularly those who grew up in the ’90s.
In the video, Jitender walks through the streets with his Pani Puri cart, using a microphone to announce his offerings while perfectly capturing Oggy’s voice. His playful announcement, “Hey bhaiya, golgappe aur vo bhi masaledaar… Mein bhi khaoonga bhaiya,” translates to “Hey brother, Pani Puri, and that too spicy… I will also eat it,” and has sparked joy among viewers, leading to millions of views online.
In another video, Jitender transitions from selling Pani Puri to impersonating a Biryani seller, once again channeling Oggy’s iconic voice. His ability to bring the cartoon character to life has made him a hit on various social media platforms, capturing the hearts of both children and adults alike.
For many, the show “Oggy and the Cockroaches” evokes fond memories of childhood. The animated series revolves around the comedic adventures of Oggy, a blue cat, and three mischievous cockroaches named Dee Dee, Marky, and Joey. Jitender’s performances not only entertain but also reconnect viewers with their favorite childhood memories.
As Jitender Kumar continues to showcase his talent, he reminds us that creativity can turn even a simple street food experience into a memorable performance.
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