Isha Singh, an engineering student from Noida, recently shared how she secured a sought-after internship at Google, describing it as the result of intense preparation and effort. Singh, a third-year computer science undergraduate, detailed her journey to landing a software engineering summer internship for 2025.
“Finally, got an offer from @Google for software engineering intern 2025. Here goes the thread for how it all happened,” Singh posted on X (formerly Twitter).
The process started in June when her college’s training and placement cell sent an email inviting students to apply for Google’s summer internship. Singh applied and received a link to a virtual career talk.
The selection process included a demanding online assessment in July, which Singh successfully completed. This was followed by two rounds of interviews.
“The journey included a rigorous online assessment followed by two technical interviews the next day, each step challenging me and testing my problem-solving skills,” Singh explained.
In her first interview, lasting 50 minutes, Singh answered two questions on data structures and algorithms, describing the difficulty level as “medium to hard.” The second interview, lasting 45 minutes, focused on priority queues, with a follow-up question on the same topic.
“Both rounds were eliminatory in nature, meaning that only those who performed well in the first round would advance to the second,” she noted in a Medium post.
Singh expressed her excitement upon seeing her name on the final results list, calling it a “dream come true” and reflecting on how unexpected it was to clear her first Google interview.
Her post went viral, receiving nearly 3,000 likes and 136 comments. Many congratulated her, while others inquired about the difficulty of the questions and the skills required. Singh engaged with the questions, sharing insights into her preparation and the challenges she faced.