Nick Jonas recently replied to a meme that Tesla founder Elon Musk shared on X, formerly Twitter. A post from an X user began the conversation when they shared an article called “Elon Musk and the Decline of Tesla,” which criticised Musk’s leadership of the company and its future. The individual pointed out in the post that since Donald Trump’s election, Tesla’s stock has skyrocketed. Musk added to the tweet, including an image of Nick with his brother Kevin from some old Jonas Brothers video along with the comment, “My, how the tables have turned!”.
This he replies in Nick’s post of another Elon pointing and grinning caption “Take us to the year 3000.” Several of Nick’s followers complained about this and were greatly offended by him supporting a Musk. Some hated the joke and asked about the brothers political values; while concerning to the contentious behaviour of women-related issues, several fans instructed nick to take the article offline.
Even the owner of Tesla and X, Elon Musk, has turned more polarizing with the recent support for Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential elections and his appointment as co-head of a new government department under Trump’s administration.
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