Sonam Kapoor took center stage at the Coronation Concert where she was introduced as one of the biggest actors in Bollywood. She began her speech with ‘Namaste’, which was followed by a loud shout-out from her family. Her mother, Sunita Kapoor, shared Sonam’s video on social media with the caption, “So proud! Such an honour!” Sonam replied to her post with ‘love you’ and heart emojis.
However, one netizen criticized Sonam’s performance and tweeted, “Sonam Kapoor’s spoken word coronation performance is exactly what we hoped it to be, and why is she talking like that as if it’s a 5th-grade elocution contest?” Another user commented, “Make Charles sit through Sonam Kapoor’s performance for a couple of hours every day. India will have the Kohinoor back in 8-9 business days.”
A third user wrote, “Sonam Kapoor is representing spoken English classes on a global level. WOWWW #SonamKapoor”.
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