Puneet Kumar, known as Puneet Superstar, who participated in Bigg Boss OTT 2, faced an early eviction from the ongoing reality show. Hosted by Salman Khan, the announcement of Puneet’s eviction came mere hours after he entered the Bigg Boss OTT 2 house. The news was disclosed on Sunday, following his participation in the show’s grand premiere on Saturday night, which aired on Jio Cinema. Following Puneet’s eviction, social media was flooded with tweets from netizens expressing their thoughts on the matter.
One user celebrated, stating, “Let’s rejoice because #PuneetSuperstar has been evicted. Otherwise, all you narrow-minded individuals would have been competing for the runner-up position. Scenes after Puneet’s eviction! #BiggBossOTT2. Stay tuned for the finale.” Another user confidently stated, “No fear of eviction. He knows his worth. #PuneetSuperstar #BiggBossOTT2.” Expressing surprise, a tweet mentioned, “OMG, Lord Punit has been evicted. It was a late-night eviction based on housemates’ votes.” A viewer shared their perspective, saying, “#BiggBossOTT2 was enjoyable to watch, especially with Puneet Superstar on screen. His presence brought a unique level of entertainment.
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