A video from Neeraj Chopra’s visit to Lucknow last month has gone viral, showing empty seats at an event that angered many social media users. The Olympic gold medallist, who made history as the first Indian to win an athletics gold at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, was in the city for the opening of an Under Armour sportswear store at Phoenix Palassio Mall. Despite the athlete’s monumental achievements, the event’s attendance fell short of expectations, leaving many disappointed and questioning the lack of enthusiasm for the sports icon.
The footage, which quickly circulated on social media, shows Neeraj Chopra seated onstage during an interview, with noticeable gaps in the seating area. While a small group of people did turn up to watch the athlete, many empty seats were visible, which sparked outrage among viewers. Social media users expressed their frustration, comparing the lack of turnout to the large crowds typically seen at Bollywood events. One Instagram user pointed out that more people would likely have attended to see a film star, suggesting a lack of respect for the athlete’s national achievements.
Many commenters placed the blame on the event’s organizers, claiming insufficient promotion and a lack of advertisement led to the low attendance. One user shared their own experience, stating, “I was there… and I actually felt bad.” Another user echoed the sentiment, saying, “Right, people don’t care about their country. They only care about entertainment.” While the reactions online were largely negative, it also highlighted a broader issue of prioritizing entertainment over support for national sporting heroes.
Apart from the store launch, Neeraj Chopra also interacted with students and officials at La Martiniere College, further promoting sports and fitness. During his visit, he even broke his strict diet regimen to indulge in some local snacks at the famous Sharmaji Ki Chai, a moment that endeared him even more to his fans. However, the mixed reception of the event in Lucknow has raised important questions about the level of public support for athletes in India.
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