After the success of “RRR”, craze for tollywood movies has increased significantly. That’s why twitter today was floded with tweets, post the trailer launch of Dasara. The film starring Nani and Keerthy Suresh, written and directed by first-timer Srikanth Odela will be released on March 30.Netizens from all over the world shared their excitement for the massive release on twitter. A netizen Twitted, “#DasaraTrailer out now. #Dasara will be another career best performance of @KeerthyOfficial’s and @nameisnani’s Dasara on 30th March. #KeerthySuresh #Dasara.” Another netizen tweeted“#DasaraTrailer- Ruthless blockbuster Vibes. The natural star @nameisnani completely transformed into DHARANI and he aced it with ease. His massive screen presence, RUSTIC look and dialogue diction everything is quite impressiv. #Dasara.”
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