Shah Rukh Khan has returned to the big screen after a hiatus of almost four years with Pathaan, and it’s safe to assume that everyone is very excited, including the celebrities. The release of the movie is being celebrated like a festival. The excitement around it is such that #PathaanReview took over top trends on Twitter on Wednesday.
A netizen tweeted, “Multiplexes have turned into single screens; single screens have turned into Euphoria. #SRK brought back Single screens, masses and lost glory of Bollywood. Not reviews of #Pathaan but revival of Bollywood.”
Showing his support to the movie, another one tweeted, “What a sheer joyride #pathaan is. From the first frame to the last, I hooted my heart out. From the wonderful action to of course @iamsrk, @TheJohnabraham& @deepikapadukone. It delivers big time! There are too many good things here to nit-pick. Go for it!”
“I can’t explain my feelings… after 4 years, King Khan returned to the big screen.” Another netizen tweeted.
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