Dutch content creator Tom, known on Instagram as @traveltomtom, recently ventured to Pakistan and booked a hotel room for just Rs 117 (approximately $1.40 USD). A seasoned traveler with a portfolio of 159 countries since 2012, Tom’s latest escapade in Peshawar has garnered significant attention online.
Tom’s astonishment was evident in his video, which has already racked up over 700,000 views. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw the room,” he shared, detailing how the budget accommodation exceeded his expectations. Located in the bustling heart of Peshawar, the room featured two beds and a small TV, providing a level of comfort Tom hadn’t anticipated. Despite initial reservations as he climbed the stairs to the room, he was pleasantly surprised upon entering.
The video has sparked a wave of reactions, with viewers expressing both disbelief and curiosity about Pakistan. While some comments reflected skepticism and common stereotypes about the country, Tom’s positive experience has provided a refreshing contrast, highlighting the potential for affordable and comfortable travel in Pakistan.