A video from Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s wedding reception has taken the internet by storm, showcasing not just the bride and groom’s joyful dance but also an unexpected guest stealing the show with his impressive moves. The footage captures Zaheer Iqbal and his friend Aayush Sharma dancing energetically to the song “Ye Kaali Kaali Aankhen” from the film Baazigar. However, it was a man in the background, described as an ‘uncle’, who garnered attention for his enthusiastic and humorous dance style.

Internet users praised the man’s energy, with comments flooding social media applauding his dance skills. “Ayeeee uncles on FIREEEE🔥 WOO,” exclaimed one viewer, while another wrote, “That uncle got some moves.” The light-hearted moment added to the celebratory atmosphere of the star-studded event.

Sonakshi Sinha, radiant in a red saree and adorned with traditional jewelry, also shared glimpses of her special day on Instagram, expressing gratitude for the love and support from family and friends. The wedding reception was attended by Bollywood celebrities including Salman Khan, Vidya Balan, Siddharth Roy Kapur, and veteran actress Saira Banu, making it a memorable affair in Bollywood circles.