In a heartwarming Christmas gesture, cricket legend MS Dhoni dressed as Santa Claus, bringing festive cheer. His wife, Sakshi Singh, shared the touching moment on Instagram, where Dhoni was seen with their daughter Ziva and Sakshi, standing by a beautifully adorned Christmas tree. The family radiated warmth and happiness, perfectly capturing the holiday spirit.

The post quickly went viral, with fans flooding the comments with heart and crying emojis, expressing their joy and admiration. Many wrote “Wow” in awe of the festive display, while others shared comments like, “Wished for it and got it,” showing their delight in seeing MS Dhoni embrace the Christmas spirit in such a heartfelt way. One fan wrote, “He turned a Santa for his daughter, Awwww.”

Sakshi posted five images, but it was the final one that captured everyone’s attention. In this touching photo, Dhoni lovingly embraced Ziva, a moment that melted the hearts of fans, with many commenting, “the last pic.”

Fans also lovingly referred to him as “Thalaclaus.”

Earlier this month, Dhoni delighted his fans by sharing a rare video of himself performing a traditional Pahadi dance with Sakshi in Rishikesh. The video, which quickly went viral, showed Dhoni joyfully dancing with his family, giving fans a glimpse into his personal life beyond cricket.